
In this RV there is a king-size bed for a couple and a baby; it’s also expended a room for two people-for my mother and me. The bed is comfortable, but I can’t feel as safe as sleeping in a real house.

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From today we start our tour on RV; I am so excited cause it’s my first time to stay on RV! Fei Fei and I are so happy! I have to thank a million to my sister, Paul and my mom!


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This morning my niece Fei Fei woke me up; she hugged my head and rubbed me with her little head! If I had a kind of lovely kid, I would never stay in bed in the mornings!


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After came back from Chicago, I didn’t do anything special. I move into the new house and shared the dinner with my friend. I cooked these for our health!


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(Very simple breakfast at hostels. It has a definitely good location and cheap price; people also have chances to know travelers from other countries.)

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在青年旅館吃過了簡單的早餐後,今天繼續用掉City Pass的景點之一,John G. Shedd Aquarium水族館,在寒冷的街道上等公車真的是得要全副武裝,冬天的裝備全部都要用上,Happy Feet在這個時候上映還真有FU.

 After simple breakfast, we were waiting for the bus to John G. Shedd Aquarium. On the cold day I put on all winter stuff.

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今天開始休假一個禮拜,準備到芝加哥和尼加拉瀑布玩上一個禮拜!同時也是我搬出The New Yorker的日子,高額的租金加上我延長在紐約停留的時間,我決定要搬去便宜一點的房子省下一點生活費,所以下次回來就會再直接搬進新家了。

( I am going on my one-week vacation to Chicago and Niagara Fall. This morning I also checked out the room of The New Yorker, due to the high rent and my extension of my stay in New York. When I go back from Chicago, I will move in the new studio.)

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My first morning classmates are leaving this week; the tradition on Fridays is taking the whole class pictures! But it’s a risk to asking someone to take pictureseveryone looks strange!!! Guess who is the teacher? Remember the teeth and the eyes’ color?


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It’s tonight! Halloween Parade!!!

I heard there was a party in SF branch but NYC branch held a “wearing costume for free pizza in the afternoon”,,, only few students wore to school. I bought McDonald back to school, I found we could eat free pizza without costume!!! I would wait for tonight!

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(One of the biggest events –Halloween, is coming, it would be my first big holiday in New York! Of course I wouldn’t skip it! Actually so far I hadn’t had any idea about it, but I decided to but my Halloween costume after school.)

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