今天早上在很愉快的氣氛中上課,開始和老師同學比較熟以後,也能從中獲得一些不同人的優點和幽默,雖然還是不能叫作crazy people,不過她們的生活經驗比舊金山的同學要多一些,可能也是因為年紀比較大一點吧!

( After several days getting along with classmates and teachers, I felt much better. I start to admire their advantages and humor, even though they are not kind of CRAZY.)



(During the class, we talked about American young people’s lack of geography. My Brazilian classmate mentioned that one day she went shopping and met an American girl asked for her suggestion of choosing clothes. When she told her she is from Brazil, the American girl replied her,” Are you living on trees?” My classmate answered her in a funny way,” Yes, we also live in the swimming pools! And even my father is a monkey! ” I couldn’t help laughing and almost fell from my chair!)


下課後也因為太懶太累,就只在附近幾條街上逛逛,看到了UNIQLO34th St新店開幕,人山人海的盛況跟台灣沒兩樣,雖然這間不是第一間店。日本公司可以搞成這樣也太厲害了!

(Japanese company UNIQLO Grand opened on 34st ST. Hundreds of people headed in the new open store. So amazing the business model successes in USA!)


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( At night, my friends in San Francisco video called me on skype. I was mad happy! By the time passed, the distance between friends and I block our relationship. But they still care about me! )




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