上星期早上課老師討論到紐約現在最有名的示威活動,Occupy Wall Street,就曾說這週要挑一天所有同學一起去做個現場訪問,問看看示威者最直接的意見和出發點。整班同學就只有我一個人要上下午課,本來是幾乎放棄跟她們一起去了,不過我發揮我勇於發問的精神,跑去跟類似教務主任的人說情,她也同意我用禮拜五下午來補這天的時數!實在很高興可以跟同學一起去示威現場訪問,這會比當觀光客只拍照參觀好多了!

(My morning teacher assigned us to interview the protesters of Occupy Wall Street. But only me have afternoon, I supposed I couldn’t go with my classmates. I almost begged to the chief of courses, finally she allowed I went with my classmates to Wall Street and made up my class on Friday!)

The first time hung out with classmates in New York! We had lunch at Wendy’s!



We took subway to get there. The protest takes place on Zuccotti Park, not on Wall Street.



(They present their demand by symbolic ways; e.g. shave the banks, be a naked man wearing a big bucket!?...)



They are organized well; they even have welcome desk.


There are a lot of interviews to protests.

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The following pictures shows how they are camping.

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They are team-worked; some cook food and supply for protesters.It’s like a small community; some cook, some clean and some eat!

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The demands are not just about financial problem.

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There are also street performers playing all kinds of instruments.

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 It’s also like Taiwan 20 years ago. Students protested for some ideal future and gathered to talk about their ambitions.



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Homeless people are everywhere.

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We were ready to interview someone!

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I was recording their interview! Why I couldn’t always show up?!


We support this idea, don’t we?!


He designed this symbol! Very creative!

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You just hold a sign and join them anytime.


After two interviews, we had some mini tours.

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Trinity Church was built 17 century; there are ancient tombstones, even we can’t read the words on them.

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The famous landmark- The New York stock exchange. Yes, there should be lots of sugar daddies!



I think I never ever cross the barriers to enter the world finical center.

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It’s another must-see, Bowling Green Bull. It has different names. Because the protest, police guard there all day long.



看了那麼多地方,其實這裡風還挺大的,冷到不行,我們一起逛到碼頭邊,終於我再也受不了,決定下次再去。我就跟另外的韓國同學會合後,一起再往新世貿中心方向逛逛。(We walked to Pier 17, but I couldn’t stand the cold anymore! I said goodbye to my classmates and met my Korean friend to World Trade Center. They are still being built.)




There is also a old chapel across from World Trade Center, St. Paul Chapel. It is famous for comforting the people whose family died in 911. There are some celebrities’ tombs, but I don’t know them.

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The exhibition shows the love for the dead on September 11th. It’s touched.

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I shouldn’t laugh so happily. I respect and mourn for the dead.



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