目前分類:New York life (21)

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I made a lot of first-time experiences. Today I woke up in a empty room; I realized I stayed in a motel, of course I had to have breakfast alone! This motel supplies simple American breakfast. When I walked to dining room, other guests looked strangely at me. I guess it’s weird a weak Asian girl stayed here without company!

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All it started at a simple idea. At the beginning I just wanted to take every transportation of MTA system to visit around New York; after hearing from my teacher’s recommend, I decided to take Metro-North Hudson Line which driving along Hudson River and is rated highly on Yelp! On the other hand, it’s hard to travel out of Manhattan without a car; also one of my American dreams is driving a car in USA countryside! That’s why I wanted to do! I only considered about the car rental plan for three days and must let it come true!  

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Yesterday I was extremely excited at playing in the snow; Today when I woke up, I know I am a little ill! Even though I didn’t sleep well and had a running nose, I still went out to explore New York City!

The Cloisters Museum and Gardens is located in the most Northern of Manhattan; it takes over half hour to get there. I took red line number 1 and got off the subway at 191 street station. Now I start to record the sign of every station. Every passenger has to take an elevator to go back to the ground. There is an operator inside operating it.

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I looked forward to snowing for a long time. After I arrived, I checked the weather broadcast every day to check if it snows or not. The first snowy day was in the end of October, but it finished very soon, not heavy snow. Today when I woke up in the morning, my roommate told me it was snowing outside!!! I was so excited and got ready quickly to go see snow! When I opened the door, everything was covered with snow!


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Last night my friends and I had discussed how to celebrate New Year’s Eve until 1 am, because we had different purposes. Finally I decided where and what time I wanted to go; It’s my First New Year’s Eve in New York, I must go to Times Square!


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When I woke up this morning, I realized finally I was back to a lonely life as the first month I just arrived San Francisco or New York. Last night, no, maybe from my Korean friend’s last week, I started to say good-bye to him and did lots of memorable things together. This morning I cried again.


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I left from warm Florida and came back cold New York City; at the time it was the end of fall, so almost leaves had already fallen. I caught the beautiful view of Central Park in November; next time I will wait until white snow covers all trees. It must show amazing scenery!

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My first morning classmates are leaving this week; the tradition on Fridays is taking the whole class pictures! But it’s a risk to asking someone to take pictureseveryone looks strange!!! Guess who is the teacher? Remember the teeth and the eyes’ color?


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It’s tonight! Halloween Parade!!!

I heard there was a party in SF branch but NYC branch held a “wearing costume for free pizza in the afternoon”,,, only few students wore to school. I bought McDonald back to school, I found we could eat free pizza without costume!!! I would wait for tonight!

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(One of the biggest events –Halloween, is coming, it would be my first big holiday in New York! Of course I wouldn’t skip it! Actually so far I hadn’t had any idea about it, but I decided to but my Halloween costume after school.)

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(It was Friday! You bet, my classmate was going to leave! My Swiss classmate is very outgoing and interesting; we blinked eyes each other in class when we felt our lesson bored! We just became familiar and then she had to leave!)

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這週開始同學慢慢變多了,從一開始的兩個同學到這週已經有五六個,也比較有機會認識新同學!午餐和同學一起買了韓國城的東西到Herald Square Park在陽光下吃飯。

(I got new classmates this week, now we have more than five classmates in the class! We bought Korean food to go, then we ate at Herald Square Park.)

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上星期早上課老師討論到紐約現在最有名的示威活動,Occupy Wall Street,就曾說這週要挑一天所有同學一起去做個現場訪問,問看看示威者最直接的意見和出發點。整班同學就只有我一個人要上下午課,本來是幾乎放棄跟她們一起去了,不過我發揮我勇於發問的精神,跑去跟類似教務主任的人說情,她也同意我用禮拜五下午來補這天的時數!實在很高興可以跟同學一起去示威現場訪問,這會比當觀光客只拍照參觀好多了!

(My morning teacher assigned us to interview the protesters of Occupy Wall Street. But only me have afternoon, I supposed I couldn’t go with my classmates. I almost begged to the chief of courses, finally she allowed I went with my classmates to Wall Street and made up my class on Friday!)

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已經到紐約快一個禮拜了,除了禮拜二去East Village吃日本料理和去酒吧那次,就幾乎沒有離開我住的地方太遠。因為這禮拜開始一個舊金山認識的韓國朋友從昨天到紐約後,我就多了玩伴!今天我買了Subway monthly pass後,決定要開始來好好遊歷這個城市!

( Since I arrived in NYC, I haven’t left far from my residence. One of my friends, whom we met in San Francisco, came here to stay for one month. I got a friend to hang out and I also bought a monthly pass. Ready to start my NYC tour!)

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今天早上在很愉快的氣氛中上課,開始和老師同學比較熟以後,也能從中獲得一些不同人的優點和幽默,雖然還是不能叫作crazy people,不過她們的生活經驗比舊金山的同學要多一些,可能也是因為年紀比較大一點吧!

( After several days getting along with classmates and teachers, I felt much better. I start to admire their advantages and humor, even though they are not kind of CRAZY.)

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Yesterday afternoon I met a Taiwanese girl in the restroom. She smiled at me first, then we talked and felt very happy to meet each other. We also stay on the same floor in the residence! She came to my room and told me lots of experiences in NYC, and recommended good delis and restaurants because we have the same traveling guide! She is really nice and outgoing, and she said she would leave some stuffs for me! We Taiwanese are mad friendly. You should come to Taiwan; you will feel you stay at your home!


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昨晚刻意早點睡,想要恢復我失去已久的活力,沒想到早上鬧鐘響了還是按掉繼續睡,所以我遲到了!!為何我當學生後就變成慣性遲到?我實在很難早起,一路上匆匆忙忙的趕去學校,還是遲到了20分鐘!還好早上課的老師不太計較,前一天下午休息時間後晚回班上,還被老師念說下次遲到就等下節課才能進教室。(I tried to get up early and found my energy back! But I ignored the alarm, I was late again! Yesterday afternoon the teacher warned me if I was late again, I had a wait outside until next course!)


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( It had started raining since last night, I woke up in a bad mood because I didn’t like rainy days whatsoever! I used to sunny days in San Francisco, but just the second day in NYC it rained so soon! Still felt tired. Gosh! My first month in SF, the most words I said is LONELY. Now I said TIRED most!)

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The second day to school, I still felt sleepy and bored. This morning class we had another teacher. It seems to change teachers very often in St tiles New York, and students sometimes know who their teacher is until the class starts. Today a female teacher came to class, and her teeth are a kind of a new fashion: there is a gap between her front teeth like a famous model Vanessa Paradis! Even though she has special teeth and different colors eyes, her class still made me sleepy!


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經過昨夜的疲勞後,在新的房間的睡眠品質還算不錯,不過第一天報到照慣例要提早到學校聽介紹和分班測驗,今天懷著期待前往學校交朋友!沿著W34th Street一路直走,約走15分鐘就可以到學校了!一路上體驗到了紐約上班族的步伐和繁忙的街景,第一次到學校要記好路線免得又迷路。

( On the first day to school, I tried keeping the way to school. I got up so early and I was excited about meeting new friends!)

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