Yesterday afternoon I met a Taiwanese girl in the restroom. She smiled at me first, then we talked and felt very happy to meet each other. We also stay on the same floor in the residence! She came to my room and told me lots of experiences in NYC, and recommended good delis and restaurants because we have the same traveling guide! She is really nice and outgoing, and she said she would leave some stuffs for me! We Taiwanese are mad friendly. You should come to Taiwan; you will feel you stay at your home!



( Without complaining of less friends, I changed my attitude to concentrate on learning English! I sat in front of the teacher, tried to involved in class discussion; it’s my goal to come here, so I can’t forget it! I am studying hard now!)


這天中午跟同學一起吃飯,我都會邀請別人一起,這已成慣例!附近有非常多的選擇。(I invited my classmates to have lunch! There are a great deal of delis for business people, students and tourists.)


I am a little leery to take their pictures together!


It was getting colder today. I didn’t wear a lot. After school, I only visited some shops and tried to find something interesting nearby. I am so lazy to go somewhere far.


My Taiwanese friend had a dinner with her local friends. Before she left, she gave me some food and stuff. I asked her to knock my door when she left, because I wanted to remember how she looks. Then I can say thank-you in my mind all the time. She is elder than me by one year. She looks so young and pretty. I believe I like to treat friends like family, so I am so lucky to meet someone takes care of me too!




It’s so sad we just met and she is going to leave. Why can’t we meet earlier? I owe her a big meal! After I come back to Taiwan, I must dine with her!


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