The second day to school, I still felt sleepy and bored. This morning class we had another teacher. It seems to change teachers very often in St tiles New York, and students sometimes know who their teacher is until the class starts. Today a female teacher came to class, and her teeth are a kind of a new fashion: there is a gap between her front teeth like a famous model Vanessa Paradis! Even though she has special teeth and different colors eyes, her class still made me sleepy!



And this afternoon I started my afternoon class, I checked the list but I couldn’t find my name again! The staff showed me a class,but there were only 3 classmates! The hope that I could find friends in class was so weak. And the teacher taught some lessons, but it wasn’t my level. Until now, I didn’t like my school! Really in a bad mood and so tired, I went back my room and took a nap after school!



After the worse things, always comes the good ones. Tonight I met a friend from here. We met at Yosemite Park tour in California in August, and we keep in touch. He wanted to show me how wonderful New York it is! Our meeting point was Astor Place, so I needed to take subway to get there. He gave me a very clear direction; I just followed his guide to take my first subway at 8:30! ( I looked so tried and terrible!)



I was a little scared on the subway. At that time, there were lots of people. I changed three lines, just read the signs. (整個路程中有點怕怕的,完全不知道要怎麼搭,就一直看著指標換了三班車。)

This blue line is very clear, not smell.(看起來蠻乾淨不會臭啊!)


The NYC subway system is over one hundred years! Amazing.(超過一百年歷史的紐約地鐵)


We met at 9 in front of the station exit. He showed me around. There are lots of Japanese restaurants. I saw lots of Japanese too. After I arrived here, I didn’t see many Asians. My friend, Edgar, said it is a good tea house. (他帶我在附近繞了一圈,看到很多日本餐廳和很多日本人,我對日本好感度很高!這間他很推薦的茶館,說下次可以跟朋友一起來,心裡想我何時會有朋友?)


 It’s a good hangout. It sells pearl milk tea, the famous Taiwanese drink. Next time I have to try it!



This neighborhood is located at East Village; young people gather here for drinking and food.



 He brought me to a Japanese restaurant, I could try Japanese noodles here!



It was a kind of steamed eggs. It tasted good!


He is really nice!


He ordered a noodle soup for me. It was the first time I ate with a friend in NYC!


He ordered fried shrimps and soup too. All of them were yummy!


Picture time!!!


After the meal, we went to a bar. It was no vacancy. We had to wait for seat. The bar has a good atmosphere, I like the kinds of style. All bartenders are probably from Japan, they are attractive while they were making cocktails.


We ordered different cocktails. I chose rum base with Japanese yogurt. These two tastes were so special, maybe only here.


We chatted a lot, and he taught some English also something I can do in NYC. I looked at people at the bar, and suddenly I thought about my job and the possibility to work here. How can they do it? Living here seems good. I have already stayed in USA for 3 months, so far I don’t miss Taiwan so much. Perhaps I don’t need to work here, so I live without any pressure!



We ordered the second cocktails. This time we tried vodka base. Mine was too bitter, but his was very smooth. I felt relaxed because of alcohol. Am I addicted to alcohol already?



The third night in NYC, Edgar was a good guide cause I stared to love here. I have lots of imagination about how exciting it will be!



Edgar was patient of my weak English and treated me everything today. Then he even took a cab to send me to my hotel.!



I am so lucky to meet him!



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